Tag Archives: Knox Mountain Hillclimb 2009 race kelowna

Knox Mountain Hill Climb Day Trip

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The Knox Mountain Hillclimb in Kelowna is one of the longest running hillclimbs in North America, and is unique in that it occurs almost in the centre of town. A popular area for mountain bikers and hikers, the road normally has a 30km/h speed limit and harsh speed bumps. Once a year, those annoyances are removed, and racers blast up the narrow climb in an effort to win their class – or the overall King of the Hill time. The competitors range from rollbar-equipped Solo cars to all-out motorcycle engined hillclimb beasts – and everything in between. We jumped in Dave’s Beetle at 6am to go watch for the first time. Five hours each way, just to watch a race?  Sure…why not! Once in Kelowna, we met up with fellow Spring Thaw’er Ben Cheng, relaxed in the summer weather, and watched race cars all day! Not a bad way to spend a Sunday at all!  Here’s some photos of the vintage cars in the event…
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