Category Archives: Dave Hord

2017 Hagerty Silver Summit – Day One

If  you haven’t spent much time in Colorado, a snow storm in May could seem like a bizarre and crazy occurrence. 36” of snow fell in Boulder over the last 48 hours, our start location of Golden was actually white, and here in Colorado they actually named the storm “Valerie”. That’s right, just like a Hurricane, this winter storm had a name. It wasn’t exactly the ideal lead up to a Classic Car Driving event. 

So it was with a little trepidation that I walked into the room for our Thursday night “unofficial” pre-event dinner, hosted by Hagerty Collector Car Insurance in their new Colorado office. In just a few short hours we’d be lining up our classic cars for registration, in a parking lot that was currently blanketed by snow. “Right,” I thought, “I should probably address the situation…” So with that thought in mind, I spoke about our pending event. I highlighted alternate route preparations, I suggested the storm appeared to be moving on, I added the usual CCA flourish where a downpour becomes a slight misting of rain. But outside, it was white. It’s kind of hard to hide the white.

We awoke this morning to black roads, and white gardens. The snow was still falling, lightly, but with rising temperatures it wasn’t sticking. Perhaps my luck would change after all! I peered over weather reports, scrutinized highway conditions and highway cameras, and then packed up the final items for registration. Checking each car in this morning, it was nothing but smiles and positive thoughts. Our Colorado guests reaffirmed that this sort of thing can happen, and how they were sure the weather was turning. Our Oklahoma guests, used to extreme weather of another kind, were perhaps a little less enthusiastic of the snow, but still very enthusiastic about the event. Our other out-of-towners were equally excited to start…except, perhaps, the Canadians who joked that they came south to leave this winter weather behind! With warning triangles and registration forms checked, the driver’s meeting began. 

2017 seems to be the “year of the re-route due to weather” for Classic Car Adventures, and today was no different. After studying the maps, I selected a route which I believed would give us the best mix of twisty roads, while keeping the group low enough to avoid the potential snow squalls and snow storms. With directions confirmed, it was time to embark on our mission like early explorers.

We started from Golden amongst the snow, and quickly found dense fog along S. Turkey Creek Road. Navigating through the soupy fog, I wondered how Andrew and Dan could possibly shoot photos today…or if we’d see the sun at all on the event. And yet, by 11am the fog was behind us, and by noon the sun was shining. We enjoyed a repeat of some 2016 roads, some of the best on the event, before turning west on highway 24. An hour later we met up with the original route planned in the route book, and headed south towards the Monarch Pass. 

The driver’s meeting auxiliary map had split the route into two options at this point. We were to check in at Buena Vista to confirm the pass conditions, and make a decision for ourselves. Those willing to risk possible snow would to head up over the Monarch Pass, while those wishing to avoid it would go on the longer around route though Sagauche. 

Climbing up towards the Summit, I was sure we had made the wrong choice. The cars coming in the opposite direction had snow covered front bumpers and license plates. Still, it was just flakes falling and not sticking to the road…so surely it would be okay? “Just another mile then,” we said to ourselves, “we can turn around if it gets bad.” Up we climbed, the weather staying steady, and suddenly there we were on the summit. Sunshine, and dry roads meeting us on the other side. It was a welcome twist from our expectations.

Twenty minutes later, arriving in the hotel parking lot, it was sunny and folks were washing the day’s grime off their cars. One thing you couldn’t wash off, however, were the smiles on our faces. We started the day in Golden expecting the worse, expecting to just bear with it and try and make it to the finish. And yet, here we were. Not only had we made it, but it had been an incredibly fine day of driving. Lucky? Perhaps. Well planned? Well, perhaps ‘well saved’ is a better descriptor. Adventurous? Absolutely. 

And, ultimately, that’s why we’re all here. For the Adventure.

Special thanks to Andrew Snucins and Dan Evans for braving the snow and cold to bring us these stunning images from today’s adventure. 

2017 Hagerty Spring Thaw – Day Three

Having finally made it home to a couch, I can barely keep my eyes open. I know the feeling is shared amongst many of my fellow driving friends, as we all sit at home unwinding from the weekend’s adventures. Whether it’s finding a spot in the garage for a newly received award, an assessment of just how long the road grime will take to clean, or a laundry list of ‘tweaks and upgrades’ the car might need before the next event…the final day never feels “over”.

The morning in Kelowna was held in sunshine, and after a quick “shady section” where driving expectations were reinforced, the driver’s meeting commenced in earnest. Amazingly, today’s roads would be clear and we could all enjoy the route-book as originally intended. The route would take guests out of Kelowna, through to Penticton before darting west along Apex Mountain Road. From there it was onto Princeton, via the event favourite of Old-Hedley Road. It doesn’t matter how many times we travel along Old Hedley Road, it seems everyone comes off raving about it’s curves and cadence.

New for 2017, instead of going all the way through Manning Park and down to Hope, we opted to gather the group and finish at the Manning Park Resort. Considering the rest of the weekend, and our history with Manning Park, this was a pretty risky decision! In the previous eight years of CCA events, we have never passed through manning park without rain and snow. To park and finish in Manning Park must have seemed simply diabolical…but here were were, in gorgeous sunshine enjoying the early afternoon.

Our finish party seemed a little like a successful ascent of Mount Everest had occurred. Our travellers were certainly exhausted, but the joy and excitement of what had been accomplished over the weekend was palatable. We had endured flooding, crazy route changes, and uncertainty.  We had driven 1,476 kilometres, arriving windburned and sunburned, but along the way made new friendships that will last a lifetime.

The finish of any Hagerty Spring Thaw includes the presentation of three coveted awards. First up, is the MacGyver award. This is usually given to the entrant(s) who perform the best or most amazing fix during the weekend. Perhaps it’s using mosquito netting to create a fuel filter, or modifying the windscreen washers to fuel the carburettors. This year, an entrant suggested our own Dave Hord receive the award for “MacGyvering all the route changes”. We decided that was an exceptional choice, especially since Dave hadn’t had anytime to actually assemble the award for 2017!

Our next award is the “Hard Luck” award. Jordan Rodier was certainly in the running, having arrived in an SUV when the fuel system on his Fiat couldn’t be diagnosed. Our own Dave Hord was up for this one as well, having abandoned the Rally Beetle in Abbotsford on Day one with fuelling issues. But it was Chris Beck and Sue Schneider who will be taking the award home with them to Switzerland. They had, you see, flown in to enjoy the event with friends from Calgary. Early this morning they offered to switch their borrowed Pantera with another set of friends, so they could enjoy the V8’s rumble for a stretch. What they also enjoyed, however, was the rumble of a wheel bearing which was quickly destroyed, leaving the Pantera stranded in Kermeos. Rather then finishing the event in the Pantera, it was a ride with Sweep through to the finish.

Our final award, and perhaps the most important, is the Hagerty Spirit of the Thaw award. This one is reserved for the entrant or entrants who best exemplify the Spirt of Classic Car Adventurism that Dave and Warwick set out to establish nine years ago. This year’s winner has been trying to get into the Hagerty Spring Thaw for three years. Even their 2017 entry was listed on the wait list for many, many weeks. But it wasn’t just their entry, they had roped three of their friends to enter the event as well. Amazingly, all three found spots on the ‘Thaw, and they were quickly making friends. Despite being a first-year entrant, Greg Long was the one holding spots at his table for new found friends. They heard about special car rotting away in a field, and instead of going off to find it themselves…they convinced other entrants to join them on the hunt. His cars, while certainly precious, were offered to new friends to try, simply because he wanted them to experience why he enjoyed them so much. Greg’s enthusiasm was contagious, his love of classic motoring obvious, and we couldn’t think of a guy more deserving of the Hagerty Spirit of the Thaw.

And so with that, we head to bed for some much needed sleep. Tomorrow’s route for us consists of relaxing and unwinding…and will not be be re-routed!

Special thanks, once again, to Andrew Snucins for providing us with amazing imagery from our weekend’s adventure.

2017 Hagerty Spring Thaw – Day Two

We awoke this morning to sunshine, and the promise of fantastic road ahead. The driver’s meeting covered the usual items; yellow-cards, lunch options, and (new for 2017 it seems) the alternate route which had been prepared for the washed-out highway. Our original plan was to take the group along a CCA favourite, highway 8 from Merritt to Spences Bridge, but a highway closure necessitated a re-route.

Our new route would take us first along Highway 5A, before turning north on highway 97C towards Logan Lake. Here, we turned left and enjoyed a section of yesterday’s route in reverse, this time running down the hill into Ashcroft instead of up it. Our group of 95 cars basically dined together, in one of two places. Half of the group descended upon Cache Creek, where we enjoyed Herbies Drive-in…a famous burger joint which has been in operation since the 1950’s. The other half of the group continued on to Clinton, where I suspect the restaurant of choice was the Cariboo Lodge, famous for it’s country fare. I had just settled into my Herbie’s Milkshake when the first text arrived…

“Flooding on highway 97”, it read from living near by, “barely got my truck through” was the next text. A phone call quickly followed, and I pulled Warwick and Andrew in for a speakerphone conversation and a roads consult. Between the three of us, (Andrew Snucins, Warwick, and I) we quickly determined that my route book was no longer going to work, that two of the main options for getting to our evening hotel were closed, and an emergency plan would need to take place.

Warwick and I went car to car and table to table in Cache Creek to give the best information we could on the “new route option”. I suggest that in quotes, as at this stage it consisted of “drive the route book to this town, and then google your way to this other town.” While we gave Cache Creek lunch guests these vague directions, Andrew was dispatched to Clinton to provide the same for those folks. The group would still be following the route book for a good 2-3 hour loop, which would buy me time to determine a solution.

While the classic cars headed North, my co-driver Greg and I headed back to Kamloops to find a spot the cars would cross on their way to Kelowna. Greg drove, while I scoured road reports, closure reports and the maps to try and give our guests the best option possible. We parked on the road-side, created the best “CCA STOP” sign we could muster with the supplies we had, and I hand-wrote two copies of the new route instructions.

As each car came into our impromptu checkpoint, we handed the sheet over and asked them to take a photo of the notes on their cellphones. Directions were confirmed as understood, and guests were waved off with a laugh and hopes they’d find the hotel without too much trouble.

Despite three major route re-routes, pulling off in a somewhat-questionable checkpoint location, and having to drive off with only a small cellphone photo of the route instructions…every one of our guests, to a tee, was smiling and laughing and having a great time. Flooded roads, questionable new directions and roadside re-routing just didn’t seem to matter. Sometimes “getting there” is the adventure, and today our guests were living it…and loving it.

Our previous loop through highway 24 from Green Lake to Little Fort had proven to be a favourite of the weekend. Little traffic, phenomenal curves, exceptional elevation changes. By the time cars rolled into the re-route checkpoint they’d had a wonderful sunny drive. Our re-route allowed them to skip some of Highway 1 and Highway 97, and instead sent them south on the twisty Salmon River Road. If you’re going to re-route your entire event, you can do a whole lot worse than a twisty road which would make a great trip on it’s own!

All 95 cars made it to Kelowna for dinner, and while certainly exhausted from the day, everyone was clearly enjoying themselves. Behind me at dinner was a prize and give-away table literally stuffed and overflowing with gifts. Thanks to Dave Koszegi, Ted Wilkinson and RWM&Co, almost every car will be heading home with a new automotive related item in the trunk tomorrow.

The day may have been an organizing challenge, but as one guest suggested to me at dinner; I don’t even have to worry about a route for next year, we’ve barely used this one that was printed in the route book!

2017 Hagerty Spring Thaw – Day One

Gathering in Squamish this morning, the air was filled with anticipation, the joy of seeing old friends again and the excitement for the start of the 2017 Hagerty Spring Thaw. Usually the organizers are greeting our guests, enjoying a coffee and checking out the wonderful cars that appear in the parking lot. This year, however, I’ve been told I was looking slightly more stressed…typing away on my laptop.

You may think the weather, slightly raining in Squamish was to blame, but no. I was on the phone and laptop checking weather reports, avalanche reports and road closure reports. Our main road for the day, Duffy Lake Road, was closed the night before by an Avalanche. By 7:30am it was open, and avalanche dangers were lowered from high to moderate. Perhaps the event could travel as planned? At 7:45am, however, the text messages started coming in. “Mud slide closes highway 99”, “Have you heard…Duffy’s closed.” Where I would normally spend the morning greeting and catching up with guests, instead I was typing out new instructions to replace almost the entire day in the route book.

Continue reading

2017 Hagerty Silver Summit Entry Opens!

Entry for our 2017 Colorado Adventure is now open! The Hagerty Silver Summit explores the best roads Colorado has to offer, and these roads are some of the best driving roads in the world. This year’s adventure will start in Golden CO, with a finish planned for Grand Junction…or the surrounding area. Full event information can be found on the Hagerty Silver Summit information page. We’re looking forward to seeing our Colorado and area friends once again, and meeting new entrants in 2017. If you haven’t yet explored Colorado, now is the time!
















Hagerty Maple Mille – Day Three

076J0007Waking up for day three, we were surprised to find a thick coating of frost on our vehicles. While a simple reminder that the classic car motoring season is coming to an end, it turned out to be a signal that great scenery lay ahead. 

Today’s route took the group from Petawawa through Round Lake, before heading East to Eaganville. Once in Eaganville, we turned West and the twisty roads really began. We enjoyed highway 512 through Foymount, and then explored a touch of Letterkenny. Unfortunately, no locals with problems could be found*, so onward we went towards Combermere and then up to Barry’s Bay. While Combermere to Barry’s Bay was on the day two route, day three featured a new road which instantly became the favourite of many. Tight and twisting, the road was a delight…and had the added bonus of ending at an ice cream shop!

076J0080From Barry’s Bay we went around Elephant Lake and down to Maynooth, and then made our way towards Halliburton. Here the morning’s frost was remembered as many of the trees and finally started their fall colour change. As we traveled south of Algonquin park, the traditional fall colours of yellow, orange and red began to overtake the surrounding forests. The sun was out, the tops were down (mostly), and the twisty roads and fall colours entertained us all the way to the finish. 

076J0134Once sweep pulled in, I presented the traditional Classic Car Adventure’s awards. The Hard Luck award was awarded to Bob Faulkner, who unfortunately wasn’t able to attend to receive it. Bob and Lynda’s gorgeous TR6 decide to quit shortly after a morning gas stop. Diagnosis and repair attempts were unsuccessful, and the TR6 was towed back to the start (where a truck and trailer were waiting). Bob’s unfortunate luck didn’t end there, as upon arriving to the the truck he discovered a tire had gone flat during the event! 

076J0150Our Macgyver award is traditionally presented to the entrant with the best ‘fix’ along the event. About mid-day, Mike and Catherine Martin began to smell fuel as they were driving. Initially thinking it was probably one of the cars ahead, Mike and Catherine agreed they should at least pull over and check their own car. Good thing, as a fuel fitting had vibrated loose, and they escaped any serious consequences. Our Macgyver award includes tubes of JB Weld, as we think it probably represents today’s classic car emergency repair of choice. We conveniently mount the tubes to the perfect display and mixing tray, lets hope Mike didn’t need to use them on the way home!

076J0152Our final award, the Spirit of the Maple Mille, is reserved for the entrant or entrants who best demonstrate the spirit of Classic Car Adventures. This year’s recipients were John and Marci Hinde, who drove their Intermeccanica 356 all the way from B.C. for the event. But the drive alone wasn’t the only reason for their recognition. The pair help with registration, they spent the three days hosting our first-time entrants and convinced friends and family to join in the event, signing up our sweep crew from Bromley Automotive. If that wasn’t enough, this is their fifteenth event with CCA…so they’ve clearly got the same adventuring spirit we have! 

Sadly, though, with the Spirit of the Maple Mille award complete…our weekend was over. As we filtered out of the restaurant saying goodbyes, it was clear that next year is going to see the same group returning…likely with many of their friends in tow. The 2017 running of the Hagerty Maple Mille is going to be quite the party!


Photos for the 2016 Hagerty Maple Mille are provided by Ralph Saulnier Photography

2016 Hagerty Maple Mille – Day Two

076J9675The dew was heavy before breakfast, but by the end the sun was shining. Our group gathered in the parking lot of the morning driver’s meeting, where Dave presented two new pages for the route book. Our closed road of yesterday was going to be re-used, but a simple re-route meant we wouldn’t lose any twisty roads, or have any major delays.

The group departed the hotel, and soon found ourselves exploring a little more of Renfrew Ontario that perhaps we planned. A simply “Turn Left” in the route book somehow got typed up as “Turn Right”, which confused more than a few teams. No real worries, however, as the route book also suggests signs and landmarks which allowed the first half of the group to figure it out on their second time around the block. Once Dave had arrived and realized his mistake, the rest of the field were treated to a tall guy wearing flannel standing in the road directing everyone in the right direction. Some of the Renfrew locals, however, were quite confused! Truthfully, though, the fact that Dave was standing on the corner was a little bit of coincidence. The ’67 Camaro Convertible he was traveling in had developed some fuel issues, and they pulled over right at the route book error to diagnose and repair. 

076J9816Despite a few hours of trying, ultimately, they were stumped. All was not lost, however, as Hagerty Roadside Assistance is included for all entrants, and soon a tow truck would arrive. While Jonathan enjoyed the Ontario countryside (aka: waited for the tow truck), Dave shoehorned himself into the back of a ’69 Camaro and went ahead to meet up with the rest of the event. 

076J9941Our route today began with rolling roads with flowing turns, best suited for the larger cars, before dropping into some tight twisties which favoured the smaller European entrants. After about an hour suited to each type of car, the rest of the day was spent swapping out ideal sections or roads in a somewhat random fashion. We started by heading West out of Renfrew, dropped South for about an hour through long-forgotten towns, and then worked our way West again. Soon we were driving North West towards Palmer Rapids, and then began our “lunch loop” to Bancroft, where groups refueled both body and car. 

076J9851Returning from the lunch loop, crossing over the morning path, a few groups of cars were surprised to find Dave standing on the side of the road no car in sight. “I know Paul is driving solo in the Mustang,” he’d explain, “so I’m just waiting for him to pass so I can jump in.” An odd thing to come across, perhaps, but a reminder that anything can happen when you take classic cars 1200 kilometres in a single weekend!

076J9975The finishing roads for today took us through Barry’s Bay, and then turned North East towards the town of Petawawa. The route book instructed a specific time to meet in the lobby, and warned that missing it would mean no transportation to dinner! We boarded the bus, a simple roll-call was taken, and were soon whisked away to the Petawawa Golf and Country club. Once there, we enjoyed a fantastic dinner with friends old and new. The tables were alive with stories of carburetors, great roads, and the sharing of adventure stories…traditions where ever car people seem to gather, and the perfect ending to a day of great driving.


Photography for the Hagerty Maple Mille is provided by Ralph Saulnier Photography.