Hagerty Maple Mille – Day 1

You couldn’t have asked for a better first day. The morning meeting was held in the sunshine, the roads (with the exception of one) were incredible, the cars beautiful, and the people? Oh my the people are so much fun.

It’s been a year since I was in Ontario and while traditionally I only meet with our Maple Mille friends annually this year the anticipation seems stronger. For most of the participants, this is the first and only driving event they’ve attended in 2020. The chance to see friends, properly distanced, to drive cars and enjoy roads…the driving meeting felt like Christmas morning.

We headed out from Lindsay Ontario and headed out on smaller backroads for the day, avoiding a lot of the usual towns we’ve passed through in the past. It was a quieter day, only hitting the towns of Kinmount, Dorsett and Dwight. The rest of the day was simply ribbons of highway between trees just starting to change their colours. A lack of bakeries or shops wasn’t going to deter this group from a good time, our arrival at a lake-side resort for the night was filled with nothing but smiles. Dining, watching the sun set across the lake, was simply icing on the cake.

Tomorrow? We get to do it all over again.

Elliot Alder was out in his AMC Eagle to capture some fantastic images for us. A preview of day one photos is available below:

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