Forty degrees Celcius (104F) is hot no matter which way you slice it. When you’re trying to take classic cars up a British Columbia mountain side on a twisty, exposed dirt road on the hottest day of the year it will put even the best radiator and cooling systems to the test. Continue reading
Tag Archives: event
2012 Spring Thaw – ENTRIES OPEN
[singlepic id=274 w=280 float=right]On your marks. Get set. GO! The entry period for the 2012 Spring Thaw Classic Car Adventure is officially now open! Continue reading
The Spirit of the Thaw Award
At the end of each Spring Thaw, we select a lucky individual, team or group for the “Spirit of the Thaw” award. The award is for someone who best demonstrates who we are, and what we’re about. In 2011 the award was awarded to an individual who hadn’t even entered the event! Continue reading
Rally du Chilliwack Recap
Here at CCA, we’re always delighted to see other groups organizing classic car events, especially when they are Spring Thaw Alumni! Bruce and Chris from CECC hosted a one-day rally near Vancouver last month. Lee, take it away…
Event Story & Photos by Lee McKinnon Pederson, Additional photo by Bruce Larson.
Organized by the Classic European Car Club, the Rallye Du Chilliwack was held on Saturday, September 18th. Although the drive into the Fraser Valley was a soggy one- a deterrent for at least a few potential participants- by the time the teams completed their odometer calibration, the skies cleared and the sun came out.
Each team was given identical maps with eight photo check points. The goal was to locate each checkpoint based on the map and photos, and take a verification photo in the approximate location. Starting in Chilliwack, and passing though Kent, Harrison Hot Springs, Mission, Abbotsford, Maple Ridge, before ending in Langley, the team covering all the checkpoints in the shortest distance was the winner.
Each team spent a few minutes plotting what they hoped was an optimal route before hitting the road. By the time the teams reached Killby Historic Farms, a kind of mid-way point on the rally, the sun was out in full force reminding everyone that summer still had a few more days to go.
Homemade egg salad sandwiches and lemonade fortified the teams for an afternoon of driving that took the group through the backroads of Maple Ridge and then on to Abbotsford. The twisty roads around the Clayburn village were an unexpected pleasure. A Lancia Beta Scorpion in front of the old Clayburn store offered an bit of surprise automotive colour!
All cars were running well until a few meters past the final checkpoint, when Julius and Ben pulled over to the side of the road with an ailing Fiat. Four other teams pulled over to try to figure out the source of the problem. The fuel system was quickly identified as the offending party. Fuel lines were tested, fuel senders were examined and fuel filters were flushed without results. The culprit turned out to be an ancient (possibly original?) “second” fuel filter lurking near the driver’s side fender. Once resolved,the Fiat took the time penalty and went on its way. Everyone agreed that car repair on the side of a country road on a warm September afternoon was about as good as it get’s breakdown-wise.
A road-weary but happy crowd gathered at the Langley Brown’s for a bite to eat before heading home. Many thanks to Bruce and Chris for putting on this enjoyable and well organized event.
Fall Freeze…Frozen for 2010
The much anticipated Fall Freeze is, regrettably, frozen for 2010. While the Classic Car Adventure’s offices have been a-buzz with planning, route ideas and excitement…it’s just not feasible for the 2010 season. Why, you might ask? Well, unfortunately Dave Hord is undergoing the surgeon’s knife about 4 months sooner then expected. “It’s true,” says Dave, “a four-year old mountain bike injury has managed to cancel the Fall Freeze for 2010. It’s an old shoulder injury, one I’ve mostly ignored, but I’m at the point where even changing an oil filter hurts…so it’s time to visit the repair shop!”
There is good news, however. Two new events in B.C. are happening this fall, and both should be of interest to classic car enthusiasts. September 18th is the Rally du Chilliwack, and October 1st-3rd brings the Jellybean Autocrafter’s Fall Colors Tour. If you were waiting to hear about the Fall Freeze, you should definitely consider either of these two events! We’re really excited to see more events starting up that are designed for drivers. Additional chances to get out and use our classics can only be a good thing 🙂
Despite the surgery speed-bump, we won’t be resting here at the Classic Car Adventures’ office. Dave’s not allowed to wrench on his Volkswagen during the recovery, but he’s been given full clearance for planning the Spring Thaw. 2010 was a great year, but with six months recovery we’re pretty sure 2011 is going to be even better!
Jellybean Autocrafters Fall Colors Tour
Another new must-try event has been announced for the 2010 season. Inspired by the Spring Thaw, Jellybean Autocrafters will be hosting their Fall Colors tour October 1st-3rd. The event is 3 days and will take you on an 1100 kilometer journey, highlighting some of British Columbia’s nicest roads. Your hosts are Ewald and Kurt Penner, owners of Jellybean. The entry fee includes two nights hotel, gala dinner and a lunch…but the best part of this event doesn’t end with planning. The real gem is going to be the participants.
If you’re a regular here at Classic Car Adventures, you’re probably someone who appreciates more then just one marque or era. Jellybean shares that attitude, and are open to a wide variety of entrants. If you’ve got a classic, vintage, hot rod or car of interest, you’re in! Vehicles earlier then 1979 are the primary interest, but they’re also accepting limited entries from 1980 to 1986. If you’re into driving, this Fall event is definitely one to check out! See the Jellybean website for more details.
Rallye du Chilliwack – September 18
We hope everyone has been having a fun-filled summer with their classic cars. Things have been quiet here on the website, as we enjoy the sun and car events, but as the summer months count down, talk has returned to what driving events are coming up.
A couple of Spring Thaw participants from The Classic European Car Club of BC (CECC) are hosting a 1950’s style competitive road rally in and around the backroads of Chilliwack on Saturday, Sept. 18th, 2010.
The Rallye du Chilliwack will test the navigation, driving, and observation skills of teams entered as well as their vehicles. It is open to owners of any European car from the 60s, 70s, and 80s which will be placed in one of four CECC classes. Navigators are strongly recommended, but expections can be made.
In brief, each team (driver and navigator in an automobile) will be given a map with only a rough idea of certain check points. The teams are to locate the checkpoints, photograph themselves at the check points, and then meet at a final destination without being late. The team that navigates the best route (shortest miles) wins the rallye.
There will be a nominal cost ($10-$15/team to cover event stickers/maps) and certain requirements (older European car, valid drivers lisence & auto insurance, working odometer, and digital camera).
You can find more info at their website:
Feel free to discuss this on our forum as well.